Hello there.

I created this blog for my 3rdperiod English class, but I will probably use it for alot more. Stick around.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Bellwork - 12/7/11

""As I looked about me I felt that the grass was the country, as the water is the sea. The red of the grass made all the great prairie the colour of wine-stains, or of certain seaweeds when they are first washed up. And there was so much motion in it; the whole country seemed, somehow, to be running."

1. The setting seems to have much of a emotional affect on the character. They are comparing grass to water in some sense, and what they mean by this is having the feeling that you are a small person in huge world.

2. The effect of this text on me is delicate. The way the words weave together and paint a scene in your head is inspiring.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Marijuana Should Be Legalized

In the last fifty years, support for Marijuana usage have increased dramatically.
Every ten years since the 1950s, the percentage of nationwide supporters of Cannabis has increased ten percent every ten years. The current statistics show that 56% of the entire United States is in support of legalizing this once thought harmful substance. The truth behind the matter is, Marijuana has been illegal for so long because of a not-so-known fact. Marijuana was illegalized at the same time as the paper business started growing. Compared to making paper from cannabis fiber, trees could not compete. An acre of Marijuana can produce as much paper as 4 acres of trees, and fearing the loss of business, Marijuana was lobbied against using very one-sided approaches. The government would have you believe that Marijuana is addictive and harmful, but again, the truth is it is neither. Science shows that no one has ever perished from the consumption of Marijuana. Science also shows that because Marijuana is a natural substance that can grow wildly, it tends not to follow with an addiction. Marijuana contains medicinal benefits like Pain Relief, Weight Management, and can also be a Sleep Aid. People who suffer from glaucoma can sometimes be prescribed Marijuana, however only four people in the U.S. recieve medical marijuana from the government. Even now, people are coming out and speaking about their usage of the substance. It is nothing to be ashamed of and is definetly not a factor in your character or morals.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

War Is...

War is destructive, killing all we know.
War is atrocious, not appealing to most.
War is misery, when young children cry.
War is hatred, and waiting to die.
War is fear, when you've nowhere to run.
War is waiting, when your days are done.
War is pointless, enlisting to perish.
War is preventable, we must change its appearence.
War is over, it ends with you and I.
War is finished, no one must die.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Hearing is Believing.

We are currently discussing Poetry in my english class.
After coming in day after day learning about it, I've come to a conclusion.
There have been so many people throughout time who have used poetry, lyrics, and just generic writing
to express their thoughts and feelings. Its very odd..
The sweestest melody could contain something dark and saddening.
I think that this is the secret to good writing.
Keep the reading simple, and make sure your readers can understand the gist of the story/song,
but keep an underlying powerful message hidden in the text.
It adds mystery to whatever you're writing.